Submit your Sightings
Any interesting sightings, you have, can be submitted to this site. The intention is to store these sightings in Microsoft Excel format. Submissions can be made electronically as:-
a simple 'Word' document
a tab delimited text file
a CSV (comma separated file)
or as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Templates for these formats can be obtained by 'clicking' the appropriate link, below
Your sightings should be submitted according to the following format, which will enable them to be stored on the spreadsheet.
Species Common Name
Date (in dd/mm/yy) format
Number ( 'circa' is accepted but not 'few', 'several', or 'many')
Site (An Ordnance Survey map name)
Grid reference (not essential), in AAnnnn format
Details (50 characters maximum)
Observer's Name
Your email address
Thank you for your help. Recorder